At Viner Dental, we offer complete state of the art dental care with a personal touch to meet your oral health needs in a relaxed, clean, beautiful environment. What sets Dr. Viner apart is his commitment and loyalty to his patients. Dr. Viner and his team are committed to helping you and your family enjoy a healthy smile for a healthy life.

A Healthy Smile
For A Healthy Life
State of the Art Family Dentistry in Boca Raton
Dr. Timothy M. Viner
My interest in dentistry began when I was 8 years old and my older brother threw a block that broke my front tooth in half. I had to have a root canal and a crown at that young age. Experiencing good dental treatment by a competent, caring professional, really made a huge positive impact on my life, and my interest in dentistry was piqued. Our family dentist practiced out of his house in Potomac, MD. It always felt like I was visiting family, and that is what I have regularly strived to achieve within my practice. I want my patients to feel at home here in my second home! I enjoy the practice of dentistry and interacting with my patients and their families, some of whom are 3 generations deep. I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work and I will always take the time to give you the best treatment possible. I am fascinated by the art and science of dentistry and strive to stay on the cutting edge of my profession. I enjoy staying current with all things “dental” which is why I invest the time in furthering my education. I believe that this passion of mine is not only for my best interest, but most importantly the interest of my patients.
More about Dr. Viner